Songs from the city, songs from the sea...
It is windy today - not that different from other Canberra winter days. What was different was the smell of the wind. As I walked out to my car this morning I was caught up in what I thought was a day dream of windy afternoons at the beach when I was younger. The smell was intoxicating! I felt a little home-sick and comforted at the same time. I stood (like an idiot!) at my front door, closed my eyes and breathed deeply. The traffic became the waves hitting the shore, the rustling leaves became the plants on the sand dunes hitting against each other, the chirps of birds became the annoying squawks of sea gulls wanting some hot chips, the slight noise of my feet moving on the cement became the crunching of sand under my toes.
It is ever the way that we take for granted what we have until it is whisked away - today I felt that in Dolby surround sound! I can't wait for my next trip to Sydney so that I can see, smell, touch and (probably - hehe) taste the sea!

Hey Mellie,
Once me and Yoomi were ambushed by seagulls wanting hot chips in Parramatta.
I often smell things that remind me of happy times. MRM has a weird mining smell to it (I don't really like it or not like it).
Perhaps it's an acquired smell.
Mellie, how are you? I tried calling you on Saturday and then I sent a message and you haven't answered so I'm just wondering how goes dear Mellie Pellie.
Let's see. I love Parramatta. I go there every single day and it's a happy place to be. It makes me think of home but when it comes to memories, I often find my thoughts straying to Lebanon. I have many good memories of when I stayed there for two or so years...:)
Ah yes, one last thing. Sydney looks forward to your next visit.
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That was odd! My laptop likes to not type letters that I've hit, so I deleted the above comment!
Anika: I know they're annoying but I love seagulls! Maybe you'll miss that mining smell when you are permanently away from it.
Yoomi: Yeah, I notice a missed call from you and several other phone numbers yesterday (left my phone at home while at uni!). I've been trying to get on top of stuff at work before D-day, plus we're moving from the old to the new institute this week and I've got pre-op stuff needing to be done. Can I call you tomorrow night for a chat (that will be tuesday!)
Yep...go for it. I am sending you a message now. I had a wonderful, wonderful day at work. I absolutely tore a watch to pieces but my manager is absolutely delighted with me...
P.S. Mellie, I hope to hear from you :)
It was good hearing from you the other day.
I've been going in to uni these past few days and I have been missing out on my sleeping in time. The campus is so deserted on the weekends that it just ain't funny.
There's nothing quite like a cool and easygoing supervisor!
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