Wishin' and a hopin'
I wish...
I knew how to stress less
I liked going to bars and being in crowded smoky places
I knew how to talk to the opposite sex without acting so moronic - I'm 23 I should know how to do this stuff already!!
I could occassionally take the easy road
I wasn't afraid to sing more and in front of more people
I could tell people what I'm feeling when it would help
I wasn't a middle child with all my middle child woes!
I was on prozac (sometimes!!!)
I was Natalie Portman in Garden State
I got more results in my PhD - or that my supervisor gave more of a crap about my project!
I was less afraid of life
I had longer hair so I could cut it all off! (Does that make sense??)
I could see my wonderful friends, family and cat more!
Here's Johnny:

Melllllllllllieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee You are my bestest buddy and it's not just because of the Johnny Depp pictures...
Damn, he is oh so goodlooking...
I agree with Yoomi!!!
Mel, I also understand your long hair thing..........
I also love your honesty.......:D
I have written my email for the day!
Johnny Depp looks like a girl in that picture! There is something wrong with his page...
I wish I could see you more... I wish I could listen to you sing more too...
Actually, I wish for all those things that you wished for for you :D Makes sense??
I think he looks darn good. Guys, a poster of Johnny Depp for my next birthday would be much appreciated...You all now know my wish list items (or item)... :D
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