Thursday, May 18, 2006

Flu, fun facts and the fur-teenth

The title is almost grammatically correct so please, dear Yoomi, forgive me for the rest!

I thought I should update considering its been a little while since I put Lior's picture up! I thought it needed to stay up as long as possible!

Anyway, this post has to do with three (or free - to fit with the title) things.
Fistly, I have the flu! I need to complain to people because if I complain to my family they'll tell me I brought it on myself with working til crazy hours. If I tell my work buddies two things will happen: 1) Dave(*remember who this is people?) will start complaining he's sick which he always does as he is a HYPOCHONDRIAC!!! 2) I will be labelled a cryer baby! Actually, they'd probably send me home in case I infect them!
Anyway, I needed to sookie to you all so this is what I'm doing right now!!!

Secondly, I had planned to dazzle you with a long list of weird facts that I've happened to pick up in the last week but all I can remember is this one fact: Most beers and Wines and I guess spirits are Not vegetarian, let alone vegan!!! WTF! So this entire vegan thing is a little harder that I anticipated!

Thirdly, my bloody fibular lengthening osteotemy, bone graft, syndesmosis reconstruction and deltoid ligament reconstruction (AHHHH!!!) operation has been post poned till the thir(fur-)teenth of june! Damn it to hell, I just want to get it over with and now its back a week.

Anyway, Dave* is here sookying so I've gotta go!
Bye bye,
Love ya's all!
Mellie from Canberra


At 2:57 pm, Blogger Vidya said...


Yep.. that is why I don't drink... :P

At 3:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tremendous pity about the drinking thing Mellie. I hope you're feeling a lot better and not so fluey...

Speak to you soon!


At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better Mellie Pellie. If you can, while wandering about, read Fear and Loathing. It does wonders for the spirits...


At 7:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isn't Lior tomorrow night???

I hope you have a fine evening!


At 7:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mellie, where have you disappeared to? I am despairing over the presences of my dearest friends...


At 7:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update, ding dong, update, ding dong, update, ding dong...



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