Sunday, April 16, 2006

What the???

Hi Everyone,
This is a shorty to say HAPPY EASTER! Did you know the average aussie eats 20 easter eggs per year?? Facinating hey? I hope you are all eating your share, plus a few extra of my share as well!
Yesterday I went to the great escape with Yoomi and we had a great time filled with musis, mayhem, and Yoomi screaming alot. We saw many wonderful acts including the gorgeous Lior and the awesome Hawksley Workman. Yoomi spent 15 minutes talking me into going over to say hi to Hawksley and get him to sign something for me. I really didn't want to at first but I'm glad I did because he was really nice! A memory I'll have with me for a long time!
The day ended not particularly nice with a friend flipping out in a very drama queen way! She won't read this blog so I can say she was a complete crazy bitch and will have to apologise BIG time for it to get back to the way it was!
But, spending the day with Yomzeroni (or Yumzeroni!) was great and I hope it can be repeated in the future (with us seeing LIOR!!! Live!).

Have a great Easter and talk to you all soon.


At 1:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mellie Pellie,

A tremendously marvellous Easter to you. I like wishing people a Merry Easter but you can only get away with it so many times before people narrow their eyes and beckon you forth with a wagging finger.

I am glad you had a gr8 (in honour of bro Mo) day yesterday. I loved it and Lior and Senor Hawksley were the highlights of the day. I can't wait to see Lior again. He is marvellous.

As for your buddy... I hope you guys work it out. Maybe everyone should drink more coffee and act crazy like me. By the way, this wasn't meant to be an essay the spirit of Hawksley fandom...

Smoke baby, smoke baby, more alcohol baby...cocaine in Montreal...and back on the...

Ah well...Mellie knows what I mean...


At 8:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wish you well on your trip back to Canberra.

Let me know about Lior. I'd love to see him soon. I am still learning those Hawksley lyrics...


At 1:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How goes thine return to Canberrean life???


At 10:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realised that this year I only ate two easter eggs and now that I have realised that, I am totally shocked. Perhaps I should look around and see what sort of chocolate I can lay my hands on...


At 2:01 pm, Blogger Vidya said...


At 8:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 8:51 pm, Blogger Vidya said...



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