Thursday, October 27, 2005

'The Sisterhood of the Stationary Journal'

Yes, yes, yes...I KNOW how long its been, I KNOW how I've STILL got the journal!!! I KNOW I've barely talked to any of you or writtten any emails but lets put that into perspective of how my lifes been lately:
I work close on 70 hours a week, when I'm not working I'm doing that business thing or tutoring the third year course. When I'm not doing that, I occassionally have a life and plus mounds of laundry seemingly piling up without me noticing!!!
So, yes the journal is stationary until my time management is sufficiently good enough that I have the time to write down something profound....!
hehe but thanks for keeping the posts coming even if I haven't been writing in the blog! I will get you all back for saying my blog is dead!!!

Ok, so whats been happening to me lately? My business thing is coming to an end today, we liquidate with $10.70 per share which were sold at $2! That will most likely beat all other teams in ACT! We made a Science calendar with funny/interesting pictures of research groups that tell a little story about what they work on. My group did one thats really funny and I'll hopefully get to show you all someday soon!
What else...oh! I hurt my ankle again, not sure who I told (probably all of you and probably by this blog!) and got X-rays on it last week. The Dr just emailed me today (Aside for Vids: she's Indian!!! - Do you know her??? :P) and told me that I have a fractured Fibular and possibly other damage and I started laughing hysterically because I've been walking on it for almost 6 weeks!!! So we'll see soon what needs to be done. It may be a cast which is just in time for a sticky Canberra summer! I'm not even sure I beleive her because she didn't know what a peroneal tendon was when I went to see her and I'm not sure she knew I've broken my ankle in the past! Anyway, thats another saga!

I'm also still cloning (BLOODY CLONING!!) and trying to get sufficient results so that I'll not look stupid at the Australasian Immunology Society (ASI) conference in Melbourne in December! Wish me luck with that!!

Miss you all alot more than my behaviour might indicate!



At 1:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:49 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Yaayyyy for Mellie updating!

Goodluck with cloning!! Whenever anyone says "So how is the cloning going?" to me.. I just say, "My immunflourescence and bi-sulfite work is looking promising!" :P

Don't worry... you are not alone! Let me know if you need any help - I will be more than happy to ive you the advice everyone else has been giving me!!

Goodluck with everything Mel! I am going to india on Saturday so I won't be able to meet you - but if you will be at the airport then let me know!!! :D

At 9:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mel,

I'm sorry to hear about your ankle. I can just imagine the hysterical laughter. I think I've pulled it off a few times lately (not in the past two weeks but before that) and I'm unsure if we'll get to meet this weekend but I'm hoping we will but you did mention you don't want to wander beyond the shire but what about our dear beloved Kinokuniya? About your cloning results, I really hope it works out. Take care Senorita!


At 8:54 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

You spelt stationery wrong, you did the pen thing...........

I'm sorry to hear about your ankle, I suggest you amputate your leg..........

Wow, Melb in Dec?? Great work Mellie!! I'm sure you will have a great time and not look stupid at the conference. If someone asks you a question you don't understand, just reply condescendingly "that's what YOU think!!" Then look huffy and ignore them for the rest of the time!!

Take care and I'm so sorry about your ankle, BTW, Vids knows that doctor, she forgot to tell you!!

At 7:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what you think....Good suggestion Anika. You might want to also take some fries along and then ask them if they'd like fries with that. We're a helplful pair, I know. Have a brilliant weekend!


At 8:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:35 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

I do know the doctor... I know all doctors... and I know all indians:P (I think I just repeated myself there!:P)

At 6:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mel, you'r going to be deleting an awful lot of comments. Damn those pesky comments.

Hope everyone's having a fine week. I had my one and only exam yesterday and afterwards I went on a bit of bookhunt. It was quite interesting and I had a lovely time. Take care peoples!


At 11:03 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Yoomi!! How was your exam?? I hope it was good!! *remembers Yoomi before Psy321 mid semester*

At 8:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...It was a little like that. It involved me drinking coffee, chatting to friends, and then later giggling my head off as people were trying to figure out how they went. Ah, the casual approach. I'm working my bottom off for an essay at the moment and it ain't that pleasant. That aside, the exam went well. How could it not! It was multiple choice. They've already given me the answers and all I have to do is choose one. Simple really!


At 8:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm quite excited about having to verify the provided word each time I want to comment. I think it's horrible really...

Is it to deal with the spam???


At 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, yes - I hate the word thing as well but I REALLY hate the SPAM!


At 10:27 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Is that coz you're a vegetarian?? I myself don't like Spam either, yuck!!

At 11:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...that could be considered a "Dad Joke" couldn't it???

hehe :P


At 11:55 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, yes it could Mellie. How are you anyways?? I hope your ankle is alright and that it won't be in a cast throughout the summer.

Good luck with your conference preparation, you're lucky, you get to to to Melb for free (is this correct??). This is another reason I want to be on "who wants to be a millionaire" coz you get a freet trip to Melb. Who cares if you don't win the million??

At 4:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anika, that last email you sent us was a crackup...the one titled The Cave.

Is Mel going on the show? Now Mel, if you win, remember who your friends are ( When exactly are you heading to Melbourne and how are things going in the lab?


At 5:51 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

I know Yoomi, that cave email had me laughing internally in front of my computer.

I hope you are fine and well and I hope everyone updates their blogs soon!!!

At 9:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mellie...i didnt actually read ur blog but hey i have done enough reading more day and then partay...ay ay.....anyway have fun doing wat ya doing love joel

At 2:29 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Partay ay??


I'm bored!!! Update your blog Mellie!!!!

At 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seems that Anika is going around demanding everyone update their blogs. Sort of rude if you ask me :D

I am busy with work and trying to get my last essay done and trying to find a suitable supervisor for a lab project...


At 2:46 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Rude?? Goodness gracious Yoomi!!

I miss you guys.........

Yoomi, good luck finding a suitable lab supervisor, I think you should post up 'wanted' fliers around Sydney, that should snag you a suitable one!!!

At 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to try that one day. Some many plans and so little time!



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