Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A quicky!

Morning all,
This is a quick post because a) I haven't written for a while, and b) I haven't got a lot of time to write a long one! So here goes:

The only thing I can think to write about is that I still have the travelling journal and haven't had a lot of time to write in it yet...please be patient and remember that I'm always late to every thing we ever do so it should be no surprise that I'm going to be late to hand the journal over!

Apart from that, I wanted to end with a quote I found in the little booklet that came with the Garden State soundtrack. You may or may not know my little obsession with Zach Braff (from Scrubs and Garden State)and I love him all the more after reading this quote by him:

"I'd also like to thank "Manny", the stunt guy in the anti-piracy announcements that play before every movie I see. We didn't have any stunts in the movie, but if we did, I would have said, "Hey lets get Manny. Not just 'cause he needs the dough, but because he knows lots of stunt guy jargon and that would be funny to hear him say words like 'ram".

hehe...love him (Zach, not Manny)
P.S. Beard is going great...I'm able to twist it around my finger to give it that evil-man-in-silent-movie kind of look! Anika...can you fill Yoomi in please (poor confused Yoomi!)


At 11:25 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, cute.

Glad you are keeping nice and busy. Keep up the beard!!

Now, Yoomi, Mel is growing a beard because she plans to travel to Canada. Now, Canada is COLD, so, to avoid her face getting all chapped when she goes (this did happen to my friend Kim), we decided she needed to either a) wear a balaclava, or b) grow a beard.

Hence this joke still lives on.

Mel also grows her ear hair, that's why she's taking so long with the journal, so she can cut some of it off, and stick it in there for us all to see.

At 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...Anika, I applaud you for asking Mel about progress with her 'beard'. Ah yes, Mel, you have my complete support with your beard :D

I hope you have a great day Mellie!


At 4:20 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Mel, I also think you need to change the title of this post to 'A Quiche', so that we can all have a little laugh.

At 1:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anika, you're full of bright ideas :P


At 5:59 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

But Quiches have egg in them! So its hereby a "rude word" and will henceforth be sensored! Its is going to be "Qu*che" from now on...

At 8:49 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

I think we all need to make a travelling stand up comedy show and go around Australia!!!

You are too hilarious for words!!!!

At 11:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...I'll wear a Krusty the clown outfit... Would that help???


At 11:34 am, Blogger Vidya said...

Yes Anika... but who will we perform for???

At 3:59 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

The poor unfortuante souls who have no choice but to listen to us. Mainly people on street corners, or others waiting to cross busy roads....

At 7:53 am, Blogger Mellie said...

A short list of potential places:
- people at bus stops
- primary school children
- uni students lining up to change their program at the start of semester
- old people in nursing homes who can't get up with out assistance (in this case we would barracade the nurses out so they can't help the old peeps move)
- people waiting to get in to night clubs
- people at coffee cart lines,
- people waiting to go through customs and/or security check points in the airports
- people in elevators with no way to escape

The list is almost endless...

At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ideas Mel, very creative but I'm more in favour of perhaps travelling around Australia and performing on the city streets because that way, we can say we're not in it for the money. We'll have to all sit together and brainstorm this one. When's our first meeting ???


At 4:58 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!! I am cracking up here!

I am in the lab trying to pass the time till its 5pm so that I don't feel bad about leaving early:P

We could just perform for ourselves - I am sure we would amuse ourselves for hours! (We did for 4 years!)

I have spent a quarter of my life with you guys! I jsut had to share that revelation with you all! Thats 25%! Tahts like the non-Indian population of Liverpool!!!

At 8:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe... Mel, what's with the new look? Ah, updating, improving, what's it called? Tired of the old grind. Hmmm, perhaps I should quit while I'm ahead (or have I fallen behind?) By the way, has anyone understood a thing I said?

Yoomi- The Wise Deliverer of Important tidbits of wisdom

At 9:05 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Yumna: *gives Yumna an all knowing smile and nod filled wisdom and enlightenment* (From below the Bodhi tree...)

(Yes Anika...the Bodhi tree is in Lumbini...)

At 9:06 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

oh! and Mel: Like the new look! :D

At 8:29 am, Blogger Mellie said...

Thanks! It was time! WAAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH PINK - I was having flash-backs to my bedroom as a child!

At 6:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they flashbulb memories? Are they real memories or do you just think they're real memories? Sorry, just thinking of some introductory psych. Ah yes, love the new look. It looks like a mini-forest. Fond farewell earthling Melanie


At 8:39 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

why isnt it purple???

At 11:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple??? Excuse my confusion...


At 1:17 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Yes, nice new look Mel!! You sure they weren't LIGHTBULBS??

At 2:32 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Anika - that was lame.... even for you :P

At 10:16 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, I know..........thanks for pointing that out Ms Vidya!!!!!! :P

At 1:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all miss you Mel... :D


At 10:40 am, Blogger Mellie said...

Aw...I miss you all too! I think I'll post another message today...


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