You know you work too much when...
You know you work too much when...
- you have dreams about doing mundane lab stuff like pipetting
- you decide to start something called 'The Tip Box Olympics" where you have competitions for how fast you can replace the tips. I've already decided on 4 events; the yellow tips, the white tips, the blue tips and the freezer box assemblage events!
- you announce to your flat mate that you're going into work on saturday and when she acts really suprised and sad for you you're confused as to why - saturday is a work day, right?
- you get excited sunday night because work is the next day rather than on friday (or saturday in my case) when the weekends about to start.
- you ramble on to your self and anyone who will listen about how you almost put too much cDNA into one of your PCR mixes and its was a close call and made you so exhilarated that you felt like a scientific indiana jones just after he picked the real 'cup of life' (unfortunetly a true story on my part!)
- you get really really excited when you find another 10 papers on your subject matter that you hadn't ever seen before (ah the beauty of google).
- you go up to the Gold Coast not for a holiday but for a bioinformatics course
- you are standing in front of this amazing singer (Lior) and all you're thinking about is what you're doing tomorrow at uni
I have many more but I suspect you're all feeling sadder for me by the sentence so I'll stop the list! Can anyone really be suprised that I was categorised as a Schizotype with obsessive traits in Neuropsychology?
The Lior concert/performance I went to last night was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! He's up there with the best for me. He's of middle-eastern background and you can really hear it in his voice. I recommend him to you all!
Apart from that the flatmate has now moved in, her name is Ilana (not Ridhish in drag) and yes she has THREE cats and a rat. So far I've only met the rat and she's cute except when she pissed on my lounge! Ilana didn't seem phased by that and didn't apologise for it which peeved me a bit but its what I've gotta get used to for a while! The cats come tonight and will really test my patience I think! I'll let you all know about them in my next post I'm sure.
Insane Rambler - signing out
I dream about pipetting .. and smell ethanol randomly!
I'll add to that list...
- You say "YAAYY!!! I have cleavage!!" and wonder why everyone is looking at you funny!
- You book the microscope EVERYDAY and dont let anyone else get near you - especially the neurogenetics people - them and their bloody "Wow! I think we are onto something!"!
- You show everyone your pretty pictures - just random people, and say "How exciting is that??"... they usually just go "yeah... its nice...".
I totally understand you Mel!
Hey Mel...I'm really happy about the Lior performance. Don't worry, you're not going nuts with all the lab stuff and researching. Just think of how all I talk about is writing. Now that's craziness for you. I've never been able to like rats, pet rats even.
As for all this uni stuff, just think of it this way. You can just say it's part of being a PhD student. It would be worrying if you didn't think about it :D
*Laughs at the 'Tip Box Olympics'* Very good Mel!!! I wish I could have seen you 'warming up'!!!
Yuck, rat pee on your couch!!! How dare she!!!!!!! *shudders* I once had a mouse pee in my hand when I was holding it and it reeked!!! Anyways, the cats are coming soon, hopefully one of them will kill it and eat it. If not, you can stealthily get rid of it and blame it on one of the cats.
See me for anymore 'how to freak our your room mate' tips.
Mice and rat pee...oh dear!! Can't say I've had either experience *breathes a sigh of relief*
Anika: I'm outraged that you of all people would write something like that! I didn't say I HATED the rat, I said it annoyed me a little that she didn't say sorry for the rat peeing on my lounge...I like the rat and their isn't even a stain on the lounge so alls good.
You'd LOVE the cats; Yadda is the alpha male and loves being held like a baby - he also gets really excited about his cat food and loves lapping up any water left in the sink. Chloe is the only girl and prefers the title of princess, she came straight up to me when I met them for the first time and insisted I give her lots of pats, she also likes t look at herself in the mirror. Indy is the young boy of the group, only just over 1 y.o., he was freaked out about moving in and hid under Ilana's bed for the first day and a half then decided he was hungry and wanted to sniff everything. He now does this weird padding thing and purrs really loudly, he also loves being held like a baby.
Vids: hehe about booking the microscope ... I book the PCR hood all the time!
Yoomi: Yeah, it would be worrying if I didn't think about my PhD, but do I have to dream about it? I get up and feel more tired than I was to begin with!!!
Uh oh, Mel is outraged!!! I must have forgotten to tell you that I have NO LIKING for rats, they are gross, therefore I said a mean thing about your flat mate's pet rat. I like the sound of the cats though!!!!
Well when you sit like I do listening to people's voices all day via a headset, you start to wonder if sometime in the future you'll start to hear voices because of it! :D
cats... rats... its like you are living in a zoo Mel! Why don't you get a dog??? :P
I am being supid... your description of the ncats was very cute - not that I like cats or anything... but they do SOUND cute!
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