Thursday, May 12, 2005

The thing that made me cry today...

I may have to move to Melbourne.


At 3:27 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why??????? Don't cry Mellie Pellie!!!!

At 7:14 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Let me answer your question with another question; what do you do when your supervisor may be moving to Melbourne to take up a lectureship position and as the phd project is his intellectual property he will probably take it with him and a) you don't want to have to start another project, b) you're really loving the project and would be gutted to see someone else publish it and c) really like your supervisor (purely professional way)!

I had a serious secret cry in a deserted part of the library - not good...

At 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crying in some place public is the worst and that's even when no one sees you! :( I'm really sorry to hear about that Mel. I truly hope it works out and just keep a smile on your face I'll speak to you soon!


At 9:50 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

?????????? YOU CAN'T! I am sure you won't have to move... Teleconferance is a great invention! He cant make you move! I know all of this will sort itself mout.... take each day as it comes!

hugs and lots of love from me!

At 8:47 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Oh Mellie, when is he planning on moving?? As Vids said, take each day as it comes (well, we all do that, but you need to kinda do it a bit more at the moment). *laughs, because that doesn't make any sense* Seriously, it's still only a POSSIBILITY that he's moving to Melb. Try and discourage him as much as possible, speak about how CRAP Melbourne's weather is, etc.

At 10:23 am, Blogger Mellie said...

He's from Melbourne and it is a decision that he thinks is best for his can't argue about weather when its a decision based on the good of his wife and kids. I'm meeting with him in 10 mins - I'll ask him subtley then...

At 11:39 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Okay Mellie,

Hope it goes well.......

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Drama averted til the start of 2007.

At 1:26 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...


*does a backflip*

That's great!!! See, Vidya was right (for once).

At 2:41 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

what do you mean "for once"??? I AM ALWAYS RIGHT! :P

At 3:25 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Just stirring you Vids, where is your sense of humour?? See, Mel was right, you are Indian, and hence you lack the 'sense of humour' gene.

Perhaps Mel could google that gene and 'discover' another one........

At 12:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel, that's truly a relief :)


At 9:36 am, Blogger Vidya said...

I reckon the humour thing was an evolutionary trade-off... indians got the brains... but had to trade "common sense" and any hint of "humour" for it...

Kind of pointless really - because I am probably discovery plenty of great things each days - but cuz I lack commen sense... I fail to see its importance...

I am rambling... but its ok... afterall this is the blog of the insane rambler...

At 9:24 am, Blogger Mellie said...

Aw dearest Vids: You indians did get alot of the brains and do lack common sense but we're only joking about the sense of humour stuff - I have occassionally heard you laugh at stuff - usually when someone falls over while running to the library (oh wait that was Anika!)

At 10:19 am, Blogger Mellie said...

Ah...but at least you weren't mistaken for a pakistani - except that one time in O-week second or thrid year. *giggles to self when remembering that guy on the blow-up thing, getting his head slammed* - now he was surely Indian...

At 11:09 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Was I mistaken for a Pakistani?? I can't remember that!! Hehe, at least Vidya wasn't!!!

Yes, that guy getting his head slammed on the blow-up things is slowly but surely starting to make me laugh here, at my desk. I made a few noises which sounded like very quiet sneezes just now. Hehe. That guy was HILARIOUS. It was so funny watching you almost pee your pants laughing at him!!

Miss you Mellie Pellie!!

At 12:49 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

You just want me to start laughing hysterically at the OTHER story about a peeing incident - well you've succeeded it still makes me laugh like an idiot. I'm close to cracking up right now!!!!!

At 11:54 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, speaking of the devil, Holly has started dancing again!!! I remember you on your 21st!!! I think your brother was more than a little worried about you!! Hehe.

At 9:09 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Whilst everyone else updates their blogs, Mel has fallen off the face of the Earth!!!

Miss you Mellie!!!!!!!!!!

At 8:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anika, I agree. Mel has truly fallen off the face of the earth :P


At 9:45 am, Blogger Mellie said...

No...its called being busy trying to clone one of my bloody genes! I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow and to give you a hint of what its about here's the title: "Men - The eternal mystery"

At 11:31 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

As for cloning the gene, why not Ask Jeeves to do it for you??

At 12:28 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Yesterday, one of the girls in the lab said , "Any old monkey can clone!" and I said, "Any old monkey but me!"

My digests won't work!

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Men - The eternal mystery???

Is it about your brothers??

At 1:34 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Um...noVids is isn't - but glad to see you think I'm a total loser that it wouldn't be about an actual guy!
*goes back to her real time results and sobs silently*

At 2:22 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Awww...its ok Mels pels!! If I was tlaking about my dad or bros I would ahve titled it something like that... plus something else about how they are idiots...

Now I want to know! Will you be in Canberra next weekend???

At 2:26 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Yep...will you? If so, day or weekend trip?

At 3:58 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

I think we have all gotten too involoved in the whole '*' '*'!!! We all need to take deep breaths and relax.

*takes a deep breath and relaxes*

*barks once*

Mel, I'm kinda excited about reading your next post, does that make me a nerd/geek??

At 4:21 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

No...I think you appreciate how long my dry-spell has been going on and you're imagining all sorts of scenarios about what I could possibly find mystifying about the opposite sex that would make me devote a whole post to!

At 6:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what Mel? I'd be interested in reading the entry but I've been hanging around these two guys non-stop lately and we're always together and I think they've been just the perfect 'thing' and reminded me that ALWAYS guys are human. I know it might sound stupid but I mean it sincerely. One's a ganster :P and the other is just plain crazy but I love them


At 8:32 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

I maintain that all boys suck!


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