Thursday, August 11, 2005

The REAL reason I moved to Canberra

Yes, I'm sure my title shocked you all. No doubt you thought I moved to Canberra to:
1) Be closer to John Howard whom I have a deep and VERY sexual crush on.
2) Move away from my friends and family to live out my dream of becoming a hermit.
3) Be closer to Ridhish in the hopes that he has an indian friend who I could fall madly in love with so that Vids and I could do that freaky double-date thing that Americans do!
4) be three hours away from Sydney so that when I drive up and back I have ample time to sing at the top of my lungs to all my favourite songs without getting stares or told to shut the bleep up.
5) Oh yeah and do my PhD

Nope none of those are the real reasons for my moving to Canberra. The REAL reason is that it is cold. It is sometimes soooo freaking cold that it actually S.N.O.W.S!!! Yes, thats right. If you follow Australian Rugby League, you may be aware of a game played in Canberra about three years ago where the poor men (and more importantly the poor cheerleaders) actually had to play/dance in the snow. It was something that stuck in my head when I found the website for my school and it was on my mind when my flatmate rang me up yesterday to say that it was snowing where she was. I quickly got excited, ran downstairs to drag my friend outside and we proceeded to look around for any snow flakes.
He got bored VERY quickly and went inside. Aboout two hours later the long-awaited snow actually started falling for a whole 20 seconds (Aside for Joel: it may have been tissues - I didn't check)!!! I got so excited I screamed loudly in the lab and people generally think I'm crazy now. hehe
It did in fact snow overnight as well and while driving to work I was singing I'm dreaming of a white christmas as a car that clearly is not sheltered drove past me with frosted windows and two-inch thinck snow on its roof!

So that is the real reason for my Canberra residency. I hope you all have a lovely day in your mild and subtropical conditions and I hope that you all get I'm dreaming of a White Christmas in your head!!!


At 1:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe Mel...I hope you're enjoying the weather. There's a good side to snow. I'm glad that since going to Lebanon, I can now officially say I've seen snow. Ah, take care to not freeze!


At 8:37 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, Mel, what happened to your crush on John??

I didn't know that was your motive to actually moving to Canberra!! So it was the snow eh?? Canada eh!!! Anyway........I hope you enjoy freezing your fingers off!!!

And, OMG about the double date comment!!! Hehe, Vids is going to kill you!!!

At 12:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She won't kill her. She'll find it funny :D Ummm, the weather here in Sydney is a tad icy...I've just about frozen my little fingers off...


At 6:03 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

More proof that Yoomi and Anika have become just the one person in two different bodies! I read the start of the first to messages and confused myself becauseI thought it was the same...

Its been a tiring day!

Snowing???? I WANT TO SEE SNOW!!! :(

At 7:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, are you sure you want to see snow? Perhaps when the snow arrives in Sydney,you can come to my place and we can build a snowman...What do you say Vids?


At 11:44 am, Blogger Vidya said...

Or we could just go up to the local woolies petrol station and buy 10kg of ice... and build an iceman instead!!!

At 6:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm sure, no problem. Just let me know when you want to do that :P


At 8:04 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

and Anika: Yes... next time I see Mel... I will have to kill her for that comment! :P (Yoomi: I will laugh before I strike though)

At 8:56 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe. Do me and Yoomi really sound like the same person??

If so, how do you know it's really Anika writing this post??

I'll let you in on a little secret. Me and Yoomi swapped bodies for a yeah. Go figure huh!!!

Well, I'm tired and I want to go home and it's only Monday at 8.26am!!

At 10:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swapping bodies? Anika, did you really have to tell them. It's classified information for God's sake!


At 11:53 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Goodness Gracious!!!

Stop blaspheming, it's offending me!! :P

At 2:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, sorry, my deepest and most humble apologies!


At 3:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the spammers have found you Mellie!!! (But I must agree... you have hit the nail! :P)


At 8:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...I must laugh at that. Evil spammers!


At 8:52 am, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

That equity site is pretty cool actually!!!

*hits the nail on the head*

At 1:12 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

*hits her head with a nail*

OUCH! That hurt!

*Goes back to IFA-ing...*

At 4:42 pm, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hurrah!! It's almost the end of the day!!!!!!!!

At 7:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel, where art thou?



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