The Future...
Ok, so most of you will have had at least some hint of the fact that I plan for the future well in advance of its occurrence. That is, I know (sort of!) where I'll be in four to five years time. This never struck me as strange until I asked a friend from the lab where she wanted to do her post-doc and she laughed at me and said "GOD! That's like TWO years away!".
So I'm wondering how weird it is for me to know that I want to do a post-doc at British Columbia Uni in Vancouver, Canada???
I think my family kind of assume that I'll decide later on that I want to move back to sydney after my PhD and that this idea will become nothing more than my desire to be an archaeologist in year 10!
However the one of the reasons I am in Canberra is because I got it into my brain to do a PhD here and once that idea was in my brain I couldn't get it out and nowhere else would do! I suppose thats also one of the reason why I decided to be an immunologist - my teacher in year 12 told me she thought the human disease/immunology part would be the hardest and she didn't think we'd understand it, but I made myself get it from the beginning and that started my whole obsession that you are probably so familiar with today!
Well, thats about the it of it! hehe
Something to ponder: Is insane rambling heritable? If so, Nicole you may want to keep an eye on that brother of mine! BYE!
I think you are a bit of a planner, but that's good. If you know what you want to be doing at certain times of your life, well, that's excellent. I kinda envy people like you as I am sorta just floating along for the time being. I feel (and sorta look like) a coconut drifting in the sea, not knowing where I'll end up. It's okay sometimes, but not always.
Mel, I doubt rambling's heritable and I'm sure you don't ramble. You just tend to think you do. As for you knowing what you want to do in a few years time, that's great. At least you know where you want to go while I on the other hand am just carefully and rather lazily waiting for the light of inspiration to dawn above me (with a choir of angels of course) and then I'll know at last what to do!
Hey Mel, I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend! Hope you have a great week at uni!
*ding ding*
That was Vidya's update bell. I stole it!!!
I have conjunctivitis and a head forgive me when I say bite me to the ding ding bell for updating
Mel...I was going to add to Anika's above comment but I thought I'd 'bite it.' I hope you're feeling better...
I am a staunch believer in long-term planning and plan A, b, c... all the way upto z!
I like being prepared! So no... you aren't wierd :P unless I am wierd too...
Oh!! Poor little Mellie Pellie!!!!
I hope you are feeling better and I take the '*ding ding* update bell' back!!
I have one question for you though.
Who beat Australia in the cricket?? No, it couldn't have been BANGLADESH, could it?? Well, maybe fact, I actually think it was, now, isn't this whole thing SURPRISING??
Bangladesh??? REALLY??? NOW I NEVER! :O
Why yes, Old Chap, it was a jolly good show!!!
Rather astonishing that... just goes to show that even the BEST TEAMS IN THE WORLD will lose! I thinks its a really good thing for them to lose so that their egos will deflate a little!!!
A little?? Don't you mean, A LOT?? Coz really, it was Bangladesh, and we all KNOW HOW BAD BANGLADESH IS, as a cricket team, I mean, I have nothing against the country whatsoever.
I don't think Australia should have an ego at all.......
Ok, but they'll still have confidence in themselves about getting back on top...lets face it we all know they will start winning again soon and then it'll be boring again! So laugh while you can but don't expect it to last too long.
I still don't get that you hate australia despite being australian! Is it because we win alot of the time? The only other thing I can think of is to do with them having big egos but while some are arrogant they're not all that way and therefore its not a good reason to hate them! In my opinion of course!
WE don't "hate" the Australina Cricket team... we just like the other teams more... :P
Well yeah racism is a valid reason but you can't hate the entire team for that !
As an aside: What I hate is that aussies are seen as racists because of the f**king government's immigration policy and a couple of highly publicised incidents involving sportsman!
Okay, if they brought back Michael Bevan and Brendan Julian, I would like them again.
They are a team I love to hate.
BTW, what do you think of Shane Warne's recent sex scandal??
And Michael Slater! :P
Another sex scandal involving Warne...Now why doesn't that surprise me? :P Oh yeah, I just want to tip the scales favourably towards Australia but Australia has the best cricket team in the entire universe. Guys, beat that if you can! :D
I actually don't think its true (this time!!!). Its very convenient that she comes out with her story at the time when the aussies are playing england! Nevertheless that doesn't mean I don't think he still cheats on his wife - once a cheater always a dickhead...i mean cheater!
I still don't understand how you can hate the team of the country you grew up in! I also don't understand why you think teasing me about it does anything! hehe
HAting the Asutralian Cricket team doesn't neccesarily translate to hating Australia... :P
and we don't tease JUST you... tease all other Aussie supporters
Mel...where art thou today? How come you aren't updating this precious blog of yours... People still do check it you know :D
*ding dong* :P
The Future is now - UPDATE!
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