Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hey Mr Tambourine man...

I really couldn't think of a name for this post, primarily because I'm not sure what I'm writing about. Therefore, hence and so forth, I decided to name it after a Bob Dylan song because that was the last song I listened to on my cd player.

Ok, for those not in a coma after my Bob Dylan story I'd like to tell you about my life after honour's - which could have been the title of this post now that I think about it, but I'm not changing it so lay off me already!

Since handing my thesis entitled 'Analysis of Glucocorticoid Induced Bim mRNA expression in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia' (I had to look it up because all knowledge pertaining to it is gone!) I have:
- Seen my brother marry a wonderful woman
- Said goodbye to a dear friend who moved back to Darwin
- Gotten a scholarship to do my phd
- Watched countless episodes of Gilmore Girls, American Dreams, Alias, Providence, Ed and Roswell
- Spent endless hours on forums for favourite books and movies and tv shows and poltical views
- Researched some stuff for a book I'm attempting to write
- Spent alot of my own and my parents money on stuff like couches and cutlery for when I move to Canberra in March
- Listened to my mother talk ALOT about apartments in Canberra how much they cost, how many rooms, parking, security, blah, blah, bloody, blah!
- Spent too much money on books!
- Thought about how I should be cleaning my room or car but couldn't be stuffed!

The thing is that people think I should be bored and ready to go back to how I was when honour's was keeping me more than occupied, but I really prefer the thinking about stuff when I want to think rather than when I have to think! I'm not too sure that I will be easily getting into the swing of things when I do finally start my phd and I just hope that this time off was spent in a relaxing enough way to prevent me having a mental breakdown in my second year! I'm pretty sure I was close to that state of mind in the last two weeks of honour's and really would not like to go back there.

With that last point in mind...here endeth this insane rambling! For the sole person who reads this - I promise this will become a weekly thing from now on!


At 1:28 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

Mellie Pellie...lots of people read you blog... but your blog does not allow annonymus comments...

Also, this is me on my second day of starting a PhD... I have to stay for another three hours before I can go tutoring! I have nothing to do!

At 1:48 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Hi Vids,
Didn't realise that you can't post anon...I just changed the settings to allow it. :D

At 12:06 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

when are we going to see bride and prejudice?

At 3:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you guys............:(

Will keep in touch more seeing that we now have unlimited internet hours and I'm kinda getting a temp job at my Dad's work (yeah, I know, scary stuff), so now I won't be so depressed sitting around doing NOTHING apart from sweating and changing channels on the remote.

At 6:44 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

You said you would update EVERY WEEK! *HMPH* *angry look*

At 11:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You couldn't look angry if you tried!!

Getting used to being a 'public servant' at my Dad's work.....


At 8:22 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

aahhh Anika... its a side of me you ahven't seen... :P


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