Monday, April 04, 2005

Girl Meets Canberra

Ok, so this post has been LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG over due and I thank you my two or three "fans" for being pains in my bleep when I couldn't help it! I have finally gotten the phone on and this arvo I went online and got a dial up account which isn't as slow as I would've thought it would be.
There's so much to write and I don't want to make my only two or three readers slip into a coma so I'll just wet your metaphorical lips a little with my Ramblings and write some more in (hopefully) a couple of days.

Firstly Canberra is good - not as cold or scary as I was anticipating. The place I'm living in is REALLY nice with three bedrooms and a really big yard for all that mowing and gardening I like to do (anyone who knows my skin colour and fear of spiders will be laughing their butts off at me gardening or seeing the light of day!)
The first night I spent in Canberra was actually quite scary and I relied on my tv and cd player being on when i went to bed so I wouldn't freak out when i heard a noise near the front door.
I suppose the best thing so far is how lucky I got with my supervisor. He's so nice and occassionally laughed at my obscure jokes that usually only you guys would get. He is really excited about my PhD project as he has been attempting to do the work for ten years without really getting into it. If you wanna know more about the lab I'm in go to the JCSMR web site and then the Department of immunology and genetics, cancer and vascular biology, molecular immunology (I think!).
Anyway, I haven't been exploring greater ACT yet primarily because I'm not entirely used to the being alone thing (this is a hint btw for you all to COME AND VISIT ME!!!). That said, I did go to Fyshwick which was pretty much full of furniture stores, etc and nothing else. Oh well, lots of time to drive around in the next four years!
The last thing: Driving is great except for the really large number of people who cycle on a daily basis! I'm constantly swerving close to a cyclist when I'm not concentrating and freaking myself out! One day I'll probably hit someone but assume it was a speedbump and keep on going.
Well, that was quite boring but peer pressure made me want to just spew something out and let it be.
Please send me email addresses if I haven't asked since coming down to Canberra - I don't have them anymore. My email still works just in case you all thought my moving to Canberra was like my dying where I won't need to get mail (Vidya, Anika!!! - not you Yumna!). Ok well that was my bitchy moment.
Miss ya's!
Here endeth blah blah blah!!! - WOW longer than I wanted!


At 11:52 am, Blogger Vidya said...


CAn you send me your phone number????

My email address:

At 12:56 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

Heya Vids,
I'll send you my new phone number via email as I've only got $5 left of credit on my phone!
BTW what did you end up buying on your shopping expedition?

At 12:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mel...I've been checking a lot lately but there never seems to be anything new on your blog but today I was rewarded :D I'm having a quiet and happy day. I freak myself out when I'm happy and content. It seems so un-yumnaish, if you get what I mean. I hope you continue to enjoy being in Canberra. I might be coming to the capital to chill out next week. I'm looking forward to it. You take care Ms Mel...


At 7:23 pm, Blogger Vidya said...

as girl settled in caberra yet??????? :P (That was my subtle way of saying UPDATE!)

At 1:51 pm, Blogger Mellie said...

What's caberra? mean Canberra! hehe
Ok, so I'm posting another tonight if you can hold on til then. BTW this is for Yumna - I'm listening to the Sassy Mac live cd - truely amazing. Love her!
Also: where's ANIKA? ANIKA? ANIKA? Also: Why didn't Vids or Anika write back to me when I sent the wherein the world would you like to go email? Is that a not-so-subtle hint that you hate me and don't want to go overseas? *whimper*


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